Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: Fanshawe

Thursday, October 25, 2007


LOL. I came across this picture among a bunch on memory stick in camcorder, Chris checking out ocean life on PEI. This was taken the summer following Chris' year of residential schooling. That big belly is long gone now that he has lost the "lesson" of "for every bad snack you have to eat a good snack".
Well, I have completed the easy class was last night! My mark will be yet posted online but I have received all my assignments back with perfect marks on all. Too bad the course weighting is so low. Most courses are a weighting of 3 or more and this is only a 1. Oh well, it will help my overall average even if only a bit. :-)

Next week is mid-term exam for accounting. The week after that will be the second of three exams for marketing. You can be sure I will be working on filling my brain with proper terminology and accounting formats for coming tests.


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