Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: Dusty

Friday, October 05, 2007


Debbie's baby seen here wandering in the backyard, has not been feeling so well this week(yep you are looking at the troubled end of her). We first noticed on Tuesday that she didn't want to move much or go walking....very unusual for her but not noticed on Monday because it was rainy and overcast all day which would normally have her in hiding. When Deb and I discussed it on Tuesday night we discovered neither of us had seen her poop since Sunday(that is normally twice a day event for her). We decided to get her to vet Wednesday. There the doctor found clogged anal glands ...not an easy examination...the only thing Dusty hates having touched more than her feet is her "privates". Well, this doctor had to perform unmentionables to Dusty's privates and then clean and inject some sort of antibiotic there too. Afterward she was given an injection for pain and we were given antibiotic pills to give to her 2X's daily for next week...along with instructions on feeding wet food with added oil and fiber. We had to return Thursday for same sort of treatment and today went back in for simple cleansing and another pain injection. She finally seems to be on the mend...she pooped today for first time since last Sunday. Poor little thing!!!! Hopefully we've seen the last of the vet's office for awhile!


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