Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: DOVE ad campaigns

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

DOVE ad campaigns

I'm sure that you are all aware of recent Dove ad campaigns which feature REAL women rather than computer enhanced images of women. A guy from my marketing class posted this weblink to their ad site. Click on the underlined words and check it out. I don't much care for Dove products but their new ads are fantastic for our young women to gain perspective on their own body image. If you have time to play, check out the whole site...lots of fun interactive stuff all contected to body image, including links to personalize and send out messages and videos to young women you care about. I really love the videos. I personalized the one called "Amy" and sent it out to Miranda....hope I remembered the address correctly and she gets it. She may have already seen the site because I sent email to Dustin a few days ago and asked him to forward the link to her after he checks the site out.


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