Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: Still looks like summer here

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Still looks like summer here

Ok the sun isn't shining and yes those are scarecrow feet hanging to the right of the flower and a little crow scarecrow to the left...but...this little red ????(brain gone dead and can't remember what it's called) is one of the flowers which we had for centerpieces at mom's birthday party in the spring. It has bloomed nicely beside our front steps all summer. we are still trying to get a picture of our allusive little sparrow with white wings. He's pretty but smart...flies every time we have the camera ready. We thought he had gone from the area but I saw him this morning and his wing tips are even more startlingly white.
The warbler has not been back. Too bad because he wasn't shy but we were too slow taking in all his details before running for the time I got the cameras ready he was tired of looking at us and flew off. according to internet they are not normally in this area..considered "rare" visitor.


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