Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: Congratulations

Thursday, October 18, 2007


Congratulations to my sister, Shirley. She is about to be laid off permanently because her employer did not renew their contract and therefor are closing the Niagara branches. She has been worried about what will come next for her. She has now been offered and accepted a job in Fort Erie. Steady day shift, closer to home with easier commute and room for advancement because it is a fairly new company. Sounds like a perfect opportunity. She starts new job Nov. 5th but is finished present job Oct. 31st. that gives her a few days to re coop and shift gears. Of course mom's surgery is scheduled for Oct. 24th and Shirl plans to spend nights at mom's when she gets out of hospital on Oct. 29th. Mom has been working hard to get her body in better shape before this surgery. She has been working out in the pool at the Y up to four times per week. For sure, she will do much better with this knee recovery than she did with first!


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