Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: Doctor seems to be regular habit with us!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Doctor seems to be regular habit with us!

Well we have finally recovered fully from our nasty colds and the dog seems to be on the mend. Tonight I was back at doctor's office to have some moles removed from my upper arms. ...they often become itchy and bothersome. I now have a hole with two stiches in each arm....quick, easy procedure done at the local health center. Deb was also back to see Dr. Kim today for another check on her blood pressure...gee ...Do you think there is a trend here in our house with high blood pressure and hummm...Just what could be causing that? Anyway, she is still a bit high but Dr. feels it is not a big worry, but since she is over 50 and a smoker, she is being sent for further tests to check on the width of her arteries before a final decision is made on if she requires drugs to protect her from her elevated blood pressure.

On the brighter side of our lives...we got some new chairs delivered today. I bought them a few weeks ago when our local store had advertised no tax. Bargain I just couldn't pass up. It's nice to finally be getting things looking nice around I just gotta learn to pick up my papers and have less mess around....yep.... check out the pile on table between the chairs. LOL. Other side of living room has our last big purchase, the lazyboy love seat. This now gives us seating room for 5 in the living room if we utilize the computor chair. Of course we NEVER have 5 people in here at once but now we could if we wanted to!


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