Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: SLOW START

Thursday, October 04, 2007


Well I completed my first online test today. The course is "Principals of Marketing 1", which is the course I was really not thrilled to be taking....too many "buzz words" to learn! Anyway my mark was an uncharacteristic 72%. Although I was very disappointed in myself at the time, I am feeling better at this point. I just checked the class stats and half the people have completed the test at this point and class average is 64%...makes me feel somewhat better about poor mark. Only have feedback on 1 assignment thus far and that was 100% mark...more like what I expect of myself.. for sure! School work is coming along well, I'm not finding it difficult at all to keep up with assignments, reading, powerpoint lessons and practice exercises...actually doing alot more than required. Also I am trying to work ahead on some assignments in case I get too busy toward end of term.


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