Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: Nature club walk

Monday, October 15, 2007

Nature club walk

This morning I managed to meet up with the ladies from the nature club. We strolled through an area of the "Middlesex County Forest". I had never been through any of that property before because I didn't realize that it is public lands. It is quite out of the way from most traffic and no signage saying what it is, so I'm sure many people are unaware. The trail was quite nice for seems to have been cleared by something about the size of an ATV and the trail looks as though it is used by ATV or dirt bikes. Upon leaving after our walk I drove down the road and noted many other trails leading out into the forested areas. I will have to return with Deb to check out more trails here!


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