Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: backyard birds

Monday, October 15, 2007

backyard birds

Deb noticed an unusual visitor in our backyard this afternoon. I delayed in checking him out and almost missed seeing him. We did get the binoculars and both cameras and managed to get a great look at him(not shy at all, he was quietly sitting in a bush next to our patio) but unfortunately for some reason the camera didn't record. We checked our stack of bird books and we believe it was a "worm-eating warbler". Very distinctive head stripes with grayish-brown back and yellowish breast fading to white near tail on underside. The beak was very different too....dark, very narrow and pointy...obviously some kind of bug eater. After thorough check of online sources I am more convinced that this is what we saw today. We hope he comes back tomorrow so we can get a picture!


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