Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: January 2008

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Eagles are too smart!

We located a newer nest of Bald Eagles (one of the ladies from the Monday morning hiking group told us where to find it) AND we have seen a large mature bald eagle posing in a nearby tree in very plain view of the road but of course we didn't have any cameras with us that day. We also viewed a pair of younger bald eagles(likely a couple of years old) sunning in a tree overlooking the lake not far from the park where we often walk. Of course no camera that day either! Since these sightings we are more aware of bringing the camera with us especially on those bright sunny days but it seems whenever we have the camera the birds are aware of that fact and go into hiding. If someday I manage to get pictures we will be sure to post them for all to view these beautiful scavengers.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Sunny day and big mess up on assignment

Today was a beautiful bright sunny day. Very nice weather despite the strong wind. My Accounting teacher posted a checklist for our huge assignment, listing vatrious figures which we should have in certain locations and dates within assignment...things like adjusted bank balances or total of column 2 in sales Journal...well in comparing the assignment (which I thought I was doing so well on) about half of my "check" figures were not correct...some out by a few dollars and others by $10,000 or more. YIKES!!!! Since I had completed part of this in INK...I now decided it was time to go back to the bookstore and buy a second copy to restart the whole thing over. Since WSIB only pays for one set of books that meant this cost was out of my pocket. Oh well, it may take me longer than just correcting my errors but it will allow me to hand in a better looking assignment(done in pencil). This time I will set myself up in room where I won't be disturbed before beginning the whole process again. My brain doesn't work the way it once did. In university I could study and work through anything and now it seems that EVERYTHING distracts me. Old age or too many years of parenting Chris and having to listen for what he is up to????

Chris and I went to dentist for check up / cleaning. We both got through with decent cavities this year. Deb goes for her cleaning on Friday, hopefully she will get the same good news. Cleaning will be great for her because she has now been smoke free for over 5 weeks and with determination will stay that way for life now.

Monday, January 07, 2008

Today's warm/wet weather hike

With the forecast calling for thunderstorms this afternoon, we headed out this morning with Dusty to check out our favorite... Pearce Park. There were still some icy areas but most of the snow is gone. While the woods seemed very quiet most of the time we were there and the lake was choppy but had lots of fog hanging over it, when we were close to leaving the park we began to hear some birds. The feeder near the entrance had some nice Goldfinches and Common Redpoll. While Deb was checking them out a Red-Bellied Woodpecker suddenly showed up to get his share of food from the big feeder. WOW!! We had a fantastic view of him while he enjoyed hopping from side to side looking for the best feed. We did not have the camera with us and had noticed many new pickings and holes on trees in the park. I hope if it was him that he hangs around until we can get his picture to post. He was very pretty and not shy at all.

Afterward we headed for London where we purchased walking poles with money mom had given us each for our respective birthdays. I have been wanting some for a long time, not only for the added workout but also to have the added security of having the poles for assistance when needed so that I don't have to carry my cane while hiking. Although I can walk alright on dry level surfaces, walking trails and even grassy yards can be tricky sometimes and these added sticks will come in very handy.

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Happy Birthday Deb and Ally

Today we celebrated Deb and Ally's birthday at Barb's in Ingersol. That would be the big "double nickels" for Deb and number 9 for Ally.
Pictures from top are 1) birthday girls 2) their cake 3) Deb trying to blow out those candles 4) Deb 5) Sherry enjoying cake with Kim in background
This was following a lunch of KFC which was Ally's choice of meal to celebrate her special day...Deb had been hoping for Barbie's special homemade mac and cheese. Maybe next year???

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Grandkids Christmas

These are pictures of Deb's grandkids celebrating Christmas at their place in Kanata. Sam is getting big very fast and Zoe is losing her babyfaced appearance and looking more like little lady. When Deb spoke to Nat on phone, she said Sam is around 19 pounds at present....for sure, a BIG boy and he looks alot like his papa.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

CELEBRATE!!!! Marks are in!

It IS a HAPPY New Year!!!

My final marks were finally posted today for the accounting course. My assignment was graded at 90% and my final exam earned me 94% which when added together with that nasty 66% on first exam, gives me overall average of 82%. YES!!!!!
I was very worried because in order to stay with accounting as my major, I was required to maintain average of 70% in accounting classes. Now I am ready to begin my next term of stress....otherwise known as courses....set to begin this week.

With this accounting grade included, my Grade Point Average for the Fall term stands at 3.838. I'm not quite sure what GPA is all about but courses are weighted according to hours of work required to complete then averaged accordingly to give me a GPA score. Perfect score is 4.200. When I was in university the GPA was an American tool and never had any bearing on Canadian universities. I guess this is another sign that our country has become Americanized.
