Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: Today's warm/wet weather hike

Monday, January 07, 2008

Today's warm/wet weather hike

With the forecast calling for thunderstorms this afternoon, we headed out this morning with Dusty to check out our favorite... Pearce Park. There were still some icy areas but most of the snow is gone. While the woods seemed very quiet most of the time we were there and the lake was choppy but had lots of fog hanging over it, when we were close to leaving the park we began to hear some birds. The feeder near the entrance had some nice Goldfinches and Common Redpoll. While Deb was checking them out a Red-Bellied Woodpecker suddenly showed up to get his share of food from the big feeder. WOW!! We had a fantastic view of him while he enjoyed hopping from side to side looking for the best feed. We did not have the camera with us and had noticed many new pickings and holes on trees in the park. I hope if it was him that he hangs around until we can get his picture to post. He was very pretty and not shy at all.

Afterward we headed for London where we purchased walking poles with money mom had given us each for our respective birthdays. I have been wanting some for a long time, not only for the added workout but also to have the added security of having the poles for assistance when needed so that I don't have to carry my cane while hiking. Although I can walk alright on dry level surfaces, walking trails and even grassy yards can be tricky sometimes and these added sticks will come in very handy.


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