Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: cotton fields forever

Thursday, October 24, 2013

cotton fields forever

cotton boll not ready yet

boll beginning to open

cotton flower - museum said 1st day is white, 2nd day red, 3rd day dead

before the flower stage

bolls and open cotton

Deb showing me the single red flower

Sea Oat grass

Beauty berry
Today we took a drive along the South Carolina Cotton Trail to check out farmer's fields and see what strange crops we could find. Along the way we found miles and miles of cotton, some with bolls not yet open and others where the fields were wild open ready for picking.  So pretty to see the huge white fields.  We also came across some fields of peanuts, both turned over drying and waiting to be gathered and a few fields that had yet to be turned.  Very cool walking out into the field and seeing all those peanuts everywhere on the roots.  We also toured the South Carolina Cotton Museum where we learned that another strange crop we had seen is Sweet Sorghum.  We were told that sorghum is grown for use as a sweetener but also is being used now as an alternative to ethanol for a gasoline additive. We had a great day and enjoyed learning along the way.  Back at our room we are still enjoying sunny skies but after such a long drive we are in for the day and enjoyed burgers made in the room along with salad for dinner.  Home cooking is much better for us than greasy restaurant food and I enjoy cooking.  Leftovers will be used in our picnic salad for lunches tomorrow. Life is good. Fallcation  is better.

field of cotton ready for harvest

cotton close up- so soft

big cotton field

cotton in the museum

guano spreader

seeder/ fertilizer spreader

cotton bale in the museum

cotton in the museum

checking how soft

boll weevil model- actual size is very tiny

peanuts turned and drying in the field

peanuts turned and drying in the field

peanuts turned and drying in the field

peanuts turned and drying in the field

Sweet Sorghum field

Sweet Sorghum field

Sweet Sorghum field


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