Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: Sunny day and big mess up on assignment

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Sunny day and big mess up on assignment

Today was a beautiful bright sunny day. Very nice weather despite the strong wind. My Accounting teacher posted a checklist for our huge assignment, listing vatrious figures which we should have in certain locations and dates within assignment...things like adjusted bank balances or total of column 2 in sales Journal...well in comparing the assignment (which I thought I was doing so well on) about half of my "check" figures were not correct...some out by a few dollars and others by $10,000 or more. YIKES!!!! Since I had completed part of this in INK...I now decided it was time to go back to the bookstore and buy a second copy to restart the whole thing over. Since WSIB only pays for one set of books that meant this cost was out of my pocket. Oh well, it may take me longer than just correcting my errors but it will allow me to hand in a better looking assignment(done in pencil). This time I will set myself up in room where I won't be disturbed before beginning the whole process again. My brain doesn't work the way it once did. In university I could study and work through anything and now it seems that EVERYTHING distracts me. Old age or too many years of parenting Chris and having to listen for what he is up to????

Chris and I went to dentist for check up / cleaning. We both got through with decent cavities this year. Deb goes for her cleaning on Friday, hopefully she will get the same good news. Cleaning will be great for her because she has now been smoke free for over 5 weeks and with determination will stay that way for life now.


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