Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: Eagles are too smart!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Eagles are too smart!

We located a newer nest of Bald Eagles (one of the ladies from the Monday morning hiking group told us where to find it) AND we have seen a large mature bald eagle posing in a nearby tree in very plain view of the road but of course we didn't have any cameras with us that day. We also viewed a pair of younger bald eagles(likely a couple of years old) sunning in a tree overlooking the lake not far from the park where we often walk. Of course no camera that day either! Since these sightings we are more aware of bringing the camera with us especially on those bright sunny days but it seems whenever we have the camera the birds are aware of that fact and go into hiding. If someday I manage to get pictures we will be sure to post them for all to view these beautiful scavengers.


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