Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: CELEBRATE!!!! Marks are in!

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

CELEBRATE!!!! Marks are in!

It IS a HAPPY New Year!!!

My final marks were finally posted today for the accounting course. My assignment was graded at 90% and my final exam earned me 94% which when added together with that nasty 66% on first exam, gives me overall average of 82%. YES!!!!!
I was very worried because in order to stay with accounting as my major, I was required to maintain average of 70% in accounting classes. Now I am ready to begin my next term of stress....otherwise known as courses....set to begin this week.

With this accounting grade included, my Grade Point Average for the Fall term stands at 3.838. I'm not quite sure what GPA is all about but courses are weighted according to hours of work required to complete then averaged accordingly to give me a GPA score. Perfect score is 4.200. When I was in university the GPA was an American tool and never had any bearing on Canadian universities. I guess this is another sign that our country has become Americanized.


At 6:40 PM, Blogger coachcheryl said...

Congratulations!!!! Not as bad as you anticipated. We always think so negatively. Glad that you registered for the next term when you did. Good Luck.
Keep in touch.


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