Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: Fall & Vacation = Fallcation

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Fall & Vacation = Fallcation

We left home a few days ago headed south in search of cotton.  Actually I got a great resort price in Myrtle Beach SC....deluxe room with kitchenette, balcony, ocean view...six days for under $200 taxes included.  Taking the driving easy still so we broke up the trip into 3 days.  1st night spent in Columbus, Ohio and 2nd night in Wytheville, Virginia.  This afternoon we arrived in Myrtle Beach.  Our room @ Dayton House is in building across the street from the motel but we still have a large balcony with a nice view of the ocean and our balcony faces a parking lot, not another building.  Small world!  Deb and I walked over a block to grab some Arby's for supper later.  A couple was sort of watching me..the woman said "Darlene?" and I turned and said yes.  They are Cheryl (Mc'Spadden) & her hubby Pat O'Hearn.  Haven't seen them since Chris was just a little guy.  Who'd have thought that coming all this way we would run into someone we know.

view toward balcony

view toward kitchenette

ocean viewed from the balcony


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