Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: Deb before & after

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Deb before & after

Today was Deb's turn to deal with skin cancer.  Again we are lucky people since we caught this much earlier than most people do.  I noticed a couple of black spots in Deb's mole and she said her friend Barbie had mentioned same thing about a month before.  An appointment with our family Dr provided a small biopsy to be taken which came back as precancerous  meaning on the way to becoming cancer.  We chose to have it removed before that occurs. Also lucky to be able to have the quarter sized area excised so quickly.  It has only been a few weeks since the biopsy came back.

Mole before surgery
mole & margins have been removed and skin moved around so that scar will follow smile lines


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