Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: Mom

Friday, November 16, 2007


I made another trip this week to visit mom and take her back to see her surgeon. Her leg is improving and this visit he allowed all the remaining staples to be removed. we had noticed some dimpling near mom's incision and I asked the Dr. what caused the marks. He explained that during surgery he closes the incision with layers of stitching before the outer staples and the tighter he stitches underneath..the less noticeable the outer scarring will ultimately be. Those dimples are inner stitches. I guess that means in time when those dissolve mom will have less feeling of tightness when she bends but meanwhile she is very happy to have those staples gone. She was able to get into my car a bit easier after the removal. It will still likely be awhile before she is able to easily get in and out of cars or drive herself but at least she is well on the mend and able to look after herself and her own needs at home without being dependant on others.


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