Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: Midterm Exams

Monday, November 12, 2007

Midterm Exams

Well I made it through the mid term exams. My final mark in "Stratagies for Success" being 100% gave me confidence to go on. In Accounting I got a very disappointing 66%. It was half multiple choice(I got 46/50 there) and the rest was one long accounting problem in which I messed up from the beginning....thus final mark of 66%. "Marketing" was better, my mark for this exam was 82%. I am currently working on an assignment for Accounting worth 20% of final mark. It is a complete financial work up for a business which has been running for three months. Lots of work for sure! Especially when I have trouble even using Excel to get forms and have no idea how to use formulas in Excel to help with calculations...I have to do it all manually. That's Ok cause I really want to get as close to full marks as possible so I will just keep plugging away at it no matter how many hours it takes! Only one month left and this term will be term I will have a heavier course load but with online classes I think I can handle more.


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