Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: Fall

Monday, September 17, 2007


Well we are into the new school year now. Chris joined the football team again despite our misgivings about his participation there. He has been coming home 6:30-7pm daily due to "practice". At that time of night he is miserable, whiny and argumentative. He complains about his dinner, his homework or just life in general. Last week I told him this was too much....if he refused again to eat he would have to quit the team. Well, tonight was the night. He refused to eat and chose to quit tomorrow rather than attempt to eat tonight. I think he is just too regimented in timing...dinner has always been 5-6. When he was very little he had to be fed 5-5:30 or he wouldn't eat. At family parties when food was later he would throw up if forced to sit and eat with everyone else.Thank God he doesn't do that now!!!!!

My schedule is going well. I am taking "principals of accounting 1", "principals of marketing 1" and "steps for student success". So far classes are going well and online stuff looks great. I was having some trouble with terminology in marketing class but seem to be grasping it better now. The online resources are great! So much better than when I went to university!!!

I am still going to the Y to swim and do pool exercises twice weekly. I prefer doing that in St. Thomas. The Y there is newer and has better change room facilities....still nothing like Fort Erie has but enough to make me happy. I think I have convinced Deb that she will be joining me once her layoff comes at the end of October. I'm sure it will help out her back/leg pains.


At 2:23 PM, Blogger coachcheryl said...

hmmmm. Sounds like Chris has a little bit of Uncle Beany in him. I don't know how that happened? Perhaps he should pack a second lunch or snack that will tie him over until after practise.


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