Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: March 2007

Thursday, March 22, 2007


You will have to left click to see the birds because I haven't quite figured out how to enlarge and crop my pictures using this camera. When you do the enlargment you can clearly see our finches have returned. The first two pictures of the wooden feeder show some beautiful redheaded house finches and the third picture shows the lineup of goldfinches waiting to enjoy the thistle seed bag. The feeders are still further than normal distance from the house. As this year's flock gets used to seeing us, Deb will move the feeders closer so that we can enjoy their colors more. I picked up a 50 pound bag of niger seed but when Deb put out the first feeder full we soon discovered that a small flaw at the bottom was allowing the seed to escape when the feeder was shaken. Needless to say, we are waiting for a new feeder before putting out more niger seed and meanwhile the mourning doves are enjoying the rare treat of niger seed all over the ground.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007


No luck again today with dental surgeon and Chris' molar problems. This latest, Dr. Carr, says Chris needs work more extensive than what he could warrent using nitrous oxide and he feels the job will require general anesthetic. This dental surgeon is only licenced to give that to adults so now we need to find a pediatric dental surgeon. Dr. Carr believes he knows someone who is capable of doing this rare type of surgery(that being the open root problem) and he will get in touch with his friend(pediatric Dr.) to discuss the case then get back to us. Dr. Carr says that Chris' nerve is still partially alive and that with treatment to remove absess and seal whats left of the root to prevent further damage..the root can then continue to grow and when mature will seal itself or become closed. At that point (2-4 years from now) Chris can look into a root canal treatment if needed but the Dr. says the tooth may heal itself in the growing process if we can get treatment to seal the root before too much damage has been done. I'm not sure if all this is good or bad news.... it is just the story from today.

Sunday, March 18, 2007


These are some rather disappointing pictures we took today at Aylmer Wildlife Management area. They put out tons of corn to attract the migrating swans. Many years there are thousands of Tundra Swans and Canada Geese feeding at this stop over in the midst of their migration route. Today I think there may have been a couple hundred in the area...certainly less impressive than usual for this time of year.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Shortly before her death, someone stopped in at the farm to discuss with Opal, the township wanting to plant a tree in her memory. The gentleman suggested maybe an oak? or a nice red maple?? "No" she responded "that seems a bit much...a nice Rose of Sharon would do nicely, I think". That was Opal....never asking much for herself and always thinking of doing for others. She thought a tree was too much of an expense and the money could be used more wisely to serve the community. Rose of Sharon is both inexpensive and has beautiful flowers.....what better tribute could anyone ask??
Remember you can click on any picture in this blog to enlarge and get a better look

Opal's Wall

These images are views of a wall within the Wainfleet public library. The mural was painted by a local artist to honor the memory of my sister, Opal Baltjes. This is the children's reading area in the library and there is another adjoining wall with a larger continuation of the painting. Opal worked in the community to promote reading skills among many other things. She was very involved in her church, community theater group, the historical society and more. She seemed to always find time to help out wherever and whenever needed.
I took the pictures while in the area Monday with Chris. It was the first time he has ever had the chance to see the mural and he was very impressed with the library.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Visit with Keith and April

We had a wonderful surprise this weekend. A visit from April and Keith Bourie from Tuscon, Arizona. April was in Toronto over the weekend working at a trade show and she convinced Keith to join her on the trip so they could visit us. We all met in Crystal Beach for a nice lunch at the Palmwood. As you can see in the picture, the Shultz's were there enjoying the visit too. It was nice to see everyone and I'm sure mom enjoyed seeing "her twinlie" again, even if the outing was a little tiring.
Keith is now working for Fire department and has had paramedic training as well. April is still working for ministry of tourism. Dale has his own karate?(judo? sorry I can't remember which) school in Memphis, Tenn and is doing well. Carl is an assistant manager at Walgreens and father of two. It is so nice to hear the boys are all doing so well and are sucessful and happy in their career choices.
I'm glad the weather co operated and made this a great day!

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Chris' Root Canal

I was notified today that another dentist may be available to do the necessary work on Chris' molar. Chris has now been seen by three dentists who all agree he needs a root canal done. Complications arise due to the fact that Chris' mouth is immature and thus the affected tooth still has an "open" root. This means his root extends beyond normal adult range into ???? I was afraid to ask in front of Chris. Another complication is Chris himself...such a freak at times that we had to find someone who uses alternative methods not just normal needle freezing. The latest two doctors both have option of "laughing gas" available to use on him. New specialist will see us on March 21st...of course that is also a physio day for me so it may seem like Chris is a part time student this month with no time to bring him home between travel from one city to another. I hate to think how many days he will miss for actual repair on this tooth.

Sunday, March 04, 2007


Here is the new toy we picked up for Mom today. It is a Jet 3 power chair.
Drive Wheels 10" pneumatic or
solidRear Casters 8"
solid Anti-Tip Wheels 5" solid,
Active-Trac®Maximum Speed up to 4 mphBrakes "Intelligent Braking" (Electronic, regenterative disc brakes)
Ground Clearance 2.5 inches
Turning Radius 18.5 inches
Overall Length 35.5 inches
Overall Width 23 inches
Standard Seating Contoured medium-back, gray vinyl
Drive Train 2-motor mid-wheel drive
Battery 16standard(2) 12-volt 32AH U-1Per-charge
Range Up to 25 miles (Based on Mfg's Specs)
Battery Charger 4 amp on-board (standard)Electronics 50 amp PG VSI
Weight Capacity 300 lbs.
Base Weight 97 lbs.
Seat Weight 36.5 lbs.
Colour Jet Red
I plan to take it to her this week. Sure hope she uses it because it will for sure help her enjoy life more! She needs to be off her legs more while waiting for her knee replacment surgeries.
