Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: Chris' Root Canal

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Chris' Root Canal

I was notified today that another dentist may be available to do the necessary work on Chris' molar. Chris has now been seen by three dentists who all agree he needs a root canal done. Complications arise due to the fact that Chris' mouth is immature and thus the affected tooth still has an "open" root. This means his root extends beyond normal adult range into ???? I was afraid to ask in front of Chris. Another complication is Chris himself...such a freak at times that we had to find someone who uses alternative methods not just normal needle freezing. The latest two doctors both have option of "laughing gas" available to use on him. New specialist will see us on March 21st...of course that is also a physio day for me so it may seem like Chris is a part time student this month with no time to bring him home between travel from one city to another. I hate to think how many days he will miss for actual repair on this tooth.


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