Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: Visit with Keith and April

Monday, March 12, 2007

Visit with Keith and April

We had a wonderful surprise this weekend. A visit from April and Keith Bourie from Tuscon, Arizona. April was in Toronto over the weekend working at a trade show and she convinced Keith to join her on the trip so they could visit us. We all met in Crystal Beach for a nice lunch at the Palmwood. As you can see in the picture, the Shultz's were there enjoying the visit too. It was nice to see everyone and I'm sure mom enjoyed seeing "her twinlie" again, even if the outing was a little tiring.
Keith is now working for Fire department and has had paramedic training as well. April is still working for ministry of tourism. Dale has his own karate?(judo? sorry I can't remember which) school in Memphis, Tenn and is doing well. Carl is an assistant manager at Walgreens and father of two. It is so nice to hear the boys are all doing so well and are sucessful and happy in their career choices.
I'm glad the weather co operated and made this a great day!


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