Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: Opal's Wall

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Opal's Wall

These images are views of a wall within the Wainfleet public library. The mural was painted by a local artist to honor the memory of my sister, Opal Baltjes. This is the children's reading area in the library and there is another adjoining wall with a larger continuation of the painting. Opal worked in the community to promote reading skills among many other things. She was very involved in her church, community theater group, the historical society and more. She seemed to always find time to help out wherever and whenever needed.
I took the pictures while in the area Monday with Chris. It was the first time he has ever had the chance to see the mural and he was very impressed with the library.


At 5:38 PM, Blogger coachcheryl said...

What a wonderful item to add to your blog site. Did you realize that you dropped by on Rosilee's Birthday? It is just great that Chris had a chance to see the Wall up close and in person. Pictures really do not it any justice.


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