Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: MORE DENTAL WOES!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007


No luck again today with dental surgeon and Chris' molar problems. This latest, Dr. Carr, says Chris needs work more extensive than what he could warrent using nitrous oxide and he feels the job will require general anesthetic. This dental surgeon is only licenced to give that to adults so now we need to find a pediatric dental surgeon. Dr. Carr believes he knows someone who is capable of doing this rare type of surgery(that being the open root problem) and he will get in touch with his friend(pediatric Dr.) to discuss the case then get back to us. Dr. Carr says that Chris' nerve is still partially alive and that with treatment to remove absess and seal whats left of the root to prevent further damage..the root can then continue to grow and when mature will seal itself or become closed. At that point (2-4 years from now) Chris can look into a root canal treatment if needed but the Dr. says the tooth may heal itself in the growing process if we can get treatment to seal the root before too much damage has been done. I'm not sure if all this is good or bad news.... it is just the story from today.


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