Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: more Manitoulin

Wednesday, September 04, 2013

more Manitoulin

Yesterday we drove the circle from Mindemoya around to Gore Bay then east to Kagawong (bridal Veil Falls) then back to the cabin.  It was a cold day but at least it was sunny.  Along the way we detoured enough to go check out the migrating Sandhill Cranes again. While at Kagawong we had been advised by a former co-worker to check out the local chocolate shop where we just had to make a purchase.  Deb enjoyed a chocolate covered brownie while I indulged in a huge chocolate covered much for dieting.  We finished our high calorie day with a pizza from mum's bakery. 

Today we had to take time out to do our laundry.  The day was overcast but not too cold so we got to work early this morning before the crowds made it to the laundromat.  By the time we finished our chores and enjoyed left overs for lunch, the sun came out to light up our day.   We headed toward Sandfield and checked out the little general store and the fish hatchery.  From there we drove south to another general store in Tehkummah.  That was very cool, lots of very old doors and original wood floors.  They seem to still stock anything you might need from a large selection of steel toed boots to fresh scooped ice cream and deli sandwiches.  Our next stop was Micheal's Bay where we walked along the river leading into the bay.  Awesome clear water and obviously a good fishing spot.  We rounded off our trip with one more stroll along the great boardwalk at Providence Bay.  I really enjoy the beautiful bay with beach all the way around the shoreline and it is great that they have built the boardwalk to protect the delicate sand dunes.   We overheard some people talking about the river that is currently blocked with sand at the mouth that leads to the bay.  There is a plan to dredge tomorrow in order for the salmon to move from the river into the bay.  Salmon migration happens in September. 
salmon fishing spot @ mouth of Manitou river

Micheal's Bay

Micheal's Bay

Manitou river is so clear!

mouth of Manitou river

Signs near the cottages

Sandhill Cranes

Sandhill Cranes

more Cranes

Gore Bay from above

Gore Bay leading to north channel from above

Bridal Veil Falls

Bridal Veil Falls

Dar under Bridal Veil Falls    


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