Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: Day 5 Manitoulin

Monday, September 02, 2013

Day 5 Manitoulin

We tried for pictures of this Pileated Woodpecker we came across while walking the campground trail but the autofocus on the camera was focused on the trees or leaves and left the bird very blurry.  Video was a quick last resort but turned out OK.  Very cool to watch him or her foraging for dinner.

We enjoyed a tour on the east end of the Island today.  We visited Manitowaning where we stopped to see the lighthouse and enjoyed a picnic lunch beside the docks.  There we had a Kingfisher for company even  though he or she was quite upset that we invaded his/her territory.   The steamship, Norisle is docked there and we read that plans are in place to make the boat into a museum however it is not open to the public at this time.  We drove into Wikwemikong Unceded Indian Reserve to check out the Jesuit monastery ruin and were nicely surprised to find awesome roads. Continuing our touring we visi9ted High Falls and considered the cup & saucer trail but decided it was more ambitious than we could handle.  Too long of a hike with a couple of warnings regarding very steep sections.  Back at the campground we decided to do the more leisurely campground trail and that is where we came across the Pileated.  We are lucky people! 

lighthouse @ Manitowaning

Jesuit monastery @ Wikwemikong

Jesuit monastery

Jesuit monastery

Jesuit monastery

Inuksuk with round head seems common on island

Wikwemikong unceded Indian Reserve stop sign



Canadian Steamship "Norisle"

High Falls


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