Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: Northern Michigan

Friday, September 06, 2013

Northern Michigan

We started the day with sunshine and a leisurely drive along the shore of Whitefish Bay on Lake Superior.  We enjoyed some great sightseeing but my favourite discovery was the wild blueberries growing everywhere.  Apparently many years ago forest fires caused the shoreline to become habituated by pine trees and blueberries.   All the beaches have both between the roadway and the sand beach.  Awesome!  After we left the shore we headed a bit inland and visited Tahquamenon Falls State Park where we wandered the boardwalk at the lower falls and the paved pathway at the upper falls. We enjoyed our picnic lunch before the sky darkened and while we were driving back toward the motel, the rain began along with weather warnings on the radio.  Again we are lucky people, the warnings were for areas to the east and maybe even some of the areas we already drove through but we are safely back at our room for the night following another great day.
view from Mission Hill

view from Mission Hill

lowbush blueberries growing wild

lowbush blueberries growing wild

beach @ Point Iroquois lighthouse

wall around Point Iroquois lighthouse

Point Iroquois lighthouse

nice birdhouse

beach on Whitefish Bay

tree roots exposed along Whitefish Bay

more blueberries near Whitefish Bay

another beach

Mountain Ash with awesome colour

lower Tahquamenon Falls

tree leaning over boardwalk @ Tahquamenon Falls

tree scarred by lightening


trees and logs jambed near lower Tahquamenon Falls

lower Tahquamenon Falls

lower Tahquamenon Falls

trees along river @ lower Tahquamenon Falls

trees leaning together over boardwalk

tree growing from old stump

Upper Tahquamenon Falls

Upper Tahquamenon Falls

another tree growing from old stump


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