Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: New Driveway

Monday, May 13, 2013

New Driveway

We had a new driveway installed on our side of the building.  Too expensive to do both so the other side can wait a year or two since no one there drives anymore.  Mini Pavers Inc. did a nice job. Now we have to be careful for the next few months as the pavement "cures".  Pretty crazy how roads can be driven on an hour after paving but at home it stays soft for months. Anyway, we are glad it is done and next job is creating a patio space and some gardens along the driveway.  I had planned to do this myself I was having trouble getting estimates from outsiders but Deb spoke to RJ and he has agreed to come do the heavy work tomorrow. Can't wait to see it finished so we have a spot to sit outside other than our steps.


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