Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: Patio & Gardens

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Patio & Gardens

This spring R.J. offered to help us out by building a patio area. This was a job that we tried to hire someone to do but estimates never came through so we figured no one wanted the job.  Thank you R.J. we are thrilled with your results.  Deb and I planted the flower beds and cleaned up the front yard as well as replacing the clothesline fence that Jack had installed years ago to keep postman from walking across the lawn.

  The above pics show the newly created patio.

This great little fence came in 3' sections and was very easy to install since the ground was still moist(early spring).  It looks so much better than Jack's old fence.  Well worth the cost!

front flower bed

garbage area and tomato plants

patio hidden between our front unit and the back unit

flowers tucked in behind shed

patio hidden from the road view

patio flower bed

This will be a pretty orange rose.  Growing nicely and almost ready to bloom.

Pots on our plant stand to hide John's gas meter

My right partial nephrectomy (to remove kidney caner) was done a week ago yesterday.  My hospital stay was less than 48 hours due to my better than average responses.  At this point everything appears to be working fine and my recovery thus far has been better than last year.  I guess the second time around makes things easier.....not to mention that the tumour was much smaller than last year's.  Still a long way to go but I am not complaining just happy to have the surgery over with.


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