Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: Renal Cell Carcinoma

Monday, May 13, 2013

Renal Cell Carcinoma

I have been scheduled to have a second partial nephrectomy on June 11th (or before if a cancellation comes up).  This time the tumour is on my right kidney.  Last year's cancer was removed from the left kidney using robotic assisted surgery.  The report came back defining the tumour as Clear Cell Renal Carcinoma (RCC) in stage 1 (meaning no spread at all) although it also showed that it was a very aggressive type of RCC.  Prior to that surgery we were informed that this second surgery was quite likely due to a "shadow" showing at that time on my left kidney.  The shadow has now become more defined and although surgery is not "required" immediately, the surgeon feels certain that it is the same type of cancer and it is better to remove it before any spread occurs.  Since this tumour is smaller than the first one, surgery will be easier for the doctors, however I was warned that my recovery will be just as lengthy if not more.  Last year I was feeling pretty normal by Christmas so hoping for the same this time around too. My left kidney currently has about 75% of normal function so with luck I will be left with a higher percentage on the right side leaving me well within normal kidney function range. 

My doctor also feels that this cancer is genetically based, however, I am not aware of any other kidney cancer occurring in any of my relatives despite the great number of halfs, steps, cousins, etc. in my family.  Although many have suffered the effects of cancer, kidney cancer was not among the types.   My personal belief is that this is more likely triggered by some of the chemical fumes I ingested over my many years of plastics extrusion or even my many years of NSAID drug use. I also lean toward the plastics as the root cause of most cancers since cancer was relatively unknown in past generations.

If you are into watching surgical procedures this link will take you to a UTube video of the procedure. Warning!!!! It is very graphic and not for weak stomachs!!!   I watched one of these surgical videos last year to help me understand what they would be doing to me.


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