Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: Chattanooga - Ruby Falls

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Chattanooga - Ruby Falls

We followed the choo choo tracks and headed east to Chattanooga. It was a nice sunny day although it started out a bit chilly and we had to wear light jackets. We arrived at Lookout Mountain early enough to avoid huge crowds and get a good parking spot.  Our tour guide was a great guy aged 72, with a wonderful sense of humour.  He has been enjoying this job for 6 years now and has enjoyed caving for about the same length of time. Somehow I just can't imagine taking up a hobby that requires crawling around in dark, damp places in the name of fun..

feature named crystal chandelier

Deb wandering past the Onyx Column

looks like a donkey butt

cave works for short people

formations called straws developing from ceiling

feature known as tobacco leaves also looks like taco shells

feature called Niagara Falls ..ridge resembles water over Canadian falls

Ruby Falls

Ruby Falls

Ruby Falls

Ruby Falls with people watching


water reflection pool

entrance building made out of stone excavated for making of elevator into the cavern

Hail outside our motel (yesterday) on March 18th

Ruby Falls
The Ruby Falls cavern is a very well operated attraction.  Guides lead groups into the elevator and through the caverns.  Guides stop and start the groups with talk and available video and recordings explaining various features and the discovery/development of the cavern At the actual falls a timed light show occurs illuminating the falls in various shades and then leaving the falls in darkness effectively moving the group back toward the elevator.  Large groups have a second "guide" acting as caboose to ensure that no one is left behind. We were told that it is not unusual for 3000 people to move through the cavern on a summer day.  So glad we are not here at prime time when just getting a ticket can become a 2 hour wait.


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