Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: Louisiana

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


During our travels through Louisiana we began to notice many fields that appeared to be rice paddies.  We later learned that the real crop in most of those flooded fields is crawfish. Known by many of us as crayfish, these little critters have taken over much of the local farmland as a more lucrative produce.  The crawfish eat the rice which the farmers plant and are kept in cages that are topped with orange cones visible in the fields.  We stayed one night in Abbeville with a very nice room so I took pictures to recall the place.  There we met  and chatted with a couple who were also traveling and they told us about the crawfish farms.  There were lots of birds hanging out in the fields and parks we passed along the way.


Spanish moss on tree

birds in the fields

rice paddy

rice paddy with orange topped cages

big tree in park in Lake Arthur, Louisiana

crawfish cages in rice field

motel room suite

tree tops in park

another view of our "suite"


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