Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: Ceasers

Sunday, March 03, 2013


After the Flamingo we headed out to the road overpass walkway to check out Ceasers.  It is far less impressive than it was years ago...again everything has changed so much.  They have more than tripled the size of their buildings.  Gone is the impressive entryway that used to have a moving pathway and story of Roman times.  There are now a couple of buildings in that space in front of the motel and casino.  There are still lots of statues and impressive artwork which we enjoyed checking out.  We were approached by someone offering us $200 to gamble at another casino along with show tickets and a free 3 night stay when we return to Vegas. Sounded good but for sure there was a catch to it and Deb was getting tired so I stopped listening to his sales pitch and went back to enjoy the sights.

view from the walkway over the road

looking toward Ceasers..not as impressive as the old pond/fountains

art in the casino @ Ceasers

outdoor art..Roman chariot


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