Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: Flamingo Gardens

Sunday, March 03, 2013

Flamingo Gardens

Visited the beautiful garden/ ponds at the Flamingo Hilton.  Here we watched the birds and fish trying to get some pictures of them.  There were a couple of huge catfish with very ugly faces and huge whiskers but they were staying below a dock and we only caught glimpses of them. Again, it is hard to believe how much things have changed.  The parking lot was pretty much as I recall but it is now attached directly to the casino which is much bigger and the hotel rooms have been expanded all around the property. Long gone are the old "garden rooms"..those ugly 3 story walk ups have been replaced with tower buildings. No sign of the big locker and waiting room areas that tour groups used to have to use while waiting for mid afternoon check-in. I am not sure what they do these days to accommodate the luggage.
Note: any picture can be clicked or double clicked to increase size for detail.

pretty ducks




bird with pretty song and flamingos



buffle head duck

pelicans decided to get up

catfish heading for cover

catfish whiskers sticking out

allusive catfish

female and male duck

what a pretty boy

catfish heading for cover

pink flamingos and a black one too just left of the center


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