Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: fort Stockton san Antonio

Monday, March 11, 2013

fort Stockton san Antonio

We spent the night in Fort Stockton and the next morning checked out the historical distric before heading toward San Antonio.


I had seen a close up of this roadrunner statue on Google earth and wanted to locate him but on the map he appeared to be on yesterdays route so I was totally surprised to find him this morning just down the street from our motel room.  We enjoyed our drive east and landed in San Antonio for the night before touring that city early Sunday morning.  Traffic was a nightmare so early morning seemed best to both of us old ladies.

The Alamo

outer wall of the Alamo

passage between outer walls

chapel of the Alamo

wagon replica

pretty purple flowers on tree maybe wisteria?

big  trees

strange fruit on this one

building in the Alamo

more strange fruit

part of massive oak tree inside the Alamo

passageway in outer wall of the Alamo





Next we wandered down to the Riverwalk to check out the sights.

river taxis

view from street level

pretty flowers

waterfall beside canal


small seating area beside canal


city above the canal

river taxis

cormorants like the canal too

2 babies all alone on the canal

squirrel enjoying the canal landscape

shrine along the canal

view from above

view from above

San Antonio building

another nice old building


gate between old buildings

#1 fire hall San Antonio

San Antonio

wagon for hire


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