Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: New Mexico

Monday, March 11, 2013

New Mexico

dust devil
dust storms

dust devil

We headed east because weather reports had high wind warnings for the next 3-4 days and we don't want to get stuck like we did in Amarillo.  We did see lots of dust devils but most were far off in the fields We did experience one passing across the highway and were surprised by the strength of the winds..good thing it was just a little one.  We spent the night in Fort Stockton where we were told "the kids here don't get snow days, they get dust days (or weeks) ". Again we are lucky people because the winds next morning were not too bad and we were able to be on our way again this time to check out the Mission Trail

San Elizario

San Elizario shrine

San Elizario rook from inside



Just past Las Cruses, New Mexico we noticed a large sign saying "drink milk, eat cheese" then we came upon these huge stockyards filled with milk cows.


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