Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: bourie twins

Wednesday, March 06, 2013

bourie twins





We arrived in Vail yesterday and enjoyed a relaxing day being entertained by Jack and Zane playing. The video shows Zane chasing the dog to try to get his frisbee back.  Zane was playing with a ball but the dog wanted that so he switched to the frisbee. Poor Zane.
Next day Keith and April took us all for a tour through Sabino Canyon and then a drive through Saguaro National Park. We spent another night enjoying the antics of the boys and then hit the road the next morning after breakfast.
riding the tram

Zane watching tv

tin man costume for watching wizard of oz

Sabino canyon peak

apparently people fall off bikes and over the rocks

cactus full of bird holes

be the cactus!

road bridge with water flowing through

throwing rocks


pretty little flowers

Zane ready for a nap

cactus getting ready 2 flower

Jack after cookie snack

Zane had cookies too

Jack concentrating

Dad helped with computer game

sleepy morning for Zane

smiling Zane munching pancake

Jack enjoying his milk

Jack being chipmunk cheeks


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