Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: Hoover Dam

Sunday, March 03, 2013

Hoover Dam

I was telling Deb that years ago we had been able to park at the side of the highway on top of the dam but thought that was no longer allowed.  Imagine my surprise when we got there and we were not even on the dam at all.  New highway is on a bridge that is far above the actual dam.  We had to take a turnoff and backtrack a mile or more to get to the dam where parking costs $7.  Admission to visitor's center is $19/person and dam tour is $32/person.  What a money grab.  We paid the parking and enjoyed our walk on top of the dam looking out at the lake on one side and the river far below on the other.  Things sure have changed!
looking down on the river side

Hoover Dam

lake view from Hoover Dam

power generation Hoover Dam

new highway far above the river near Hoover Dam

Hoover Dam lake view

power lines Hoover Dam

power lines Hoover Dam

Little bird peaking out from rock hole nest


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