Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: high tide sandpipers at Johnson's Mills

Saturday, February 16, 2013

high tide sandpipers at Johnson's Mills

Sandpiper statue outside village of Dorchester office
Sandpipers on the beach

More Sandpipers

Sandpipers fighting for space on the beach

Sandpipers hiding in plain sight
These pictures were taken on our second trip to the Dorchester area of New Brunswick where Sandpipers stop to fuel up in mid-July during their annual migration. We first went to check this out at low tide thinking they would be all over the beaches.  While that is true, the mudflats are so vast that the best viewing is at high tide. Thus the second trip to see the birds resulted in these great shots of crowded beaches. Double click for close up shot since it is difficult to appreciate just how many birds you are looking at on these beaches. They travel in waves of flight, safety in numbers! It was amazing to watch as the waves came and went.  We are so thankful that we were able to witness this since we learned about the migration many years ago but were in the area at the wrong time of the season and no Sandpipers were around then.


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