Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away

Friday, February 15, 2013

Our road trip began with travel of a few hours per day.  We stayed in the Kingston area for a night and then in the smallest motel room ever near the Ottawa river.  Motel advertised a river view but neglected to mention that the office was the only room with a view. Our next destination was the Saguenay to see the fiord up close.  Finding a motel room was our first challenge at the end of a longer than usual drive. We actually ended up staying in a much nicer than our norm place but at least we had a roof over our heads and comfy beds.  We headed out in the morning after considering a whale watching tour.  The boats spent most of the day traveling the fiord and I was concerned the trip would be too long, Deb also didn't like the idea of that long on a boat (landlubbers we are). We enjoyed our quiet travels with a stop at the boat dock.  Lots of nice scenery but no whales.  After our sight seeing was complete we booked passage on ferry from Les Escoumins 
for the following morning.


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