Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: Amarillo, Texas

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Amarillo, Texas

We made our way to Amarillo, Texas before the storm hit and settled into our motel room with a BBQ'd chicken from WalMart along with salad and some snacks. Overnight the snow started and closed down the city and surrounding areas. Snow and wind continued through next morning with drift of up to 3 feet forming.  Highways were closed and we ended up staying 3 nights in that motel. Lucky we always carry coffee maker and had food with us. Storm ended up being 19 inches of snow according to news it was a record storm.  The city did not plow the streets much other than highway.  It appears that in Amarillo they simply shut down the city rather than trying to clean things up. Following our second night when highway was reopened we did venture out in  the city. OMG!!! There were huge ruts and cars stuck on side streets.  Following a short tour we happily went back to motel for night 3 before hitting the highway and escaping the city the next morning.
Window is  not made for winter weather

Under the canopy at the motel entrance

Pathway shoveled under the canopy

Poor visibility across the parking lot taken from our room.  The mail truck was parked sideways along the lot.


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