Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: STILL waiting

Monday, April 13, 2009

STILL waiting

No decision yet on my future education plans. I did discover that the third year program now only has a September start date(that is new as of 2009/10 calender year). I wasn't notified of that change because I was still continuing education student when the change was announced in fall 2008. I will not be eligible yet in Sept 2009 since my plan was to enter that program in January 2010. That leaves my options as downgrading, like I mentioned before, or lengthening the plan to at least summer 2011. Supposedly we will have a decision before my next meeting with my plan overseer at the beginning of next month. For now I have less than 2 weeks until final exams. So far, I am feeling good about material which should be included on those exams and hope to do well.


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