Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: Chore of the day

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Chore of the day

Today we got a phone call from one of the tenants. It seems they have a leaky something under kitchen sink....something to do with rusted out threads on a pipe..although they were not able to understand when I asked if that was on the basket or the U part of the drain. The tenant told me to have "my fix it man" call and maybe he would understand the problem better. I tried calling Adrian but he didn't seem to be available to answer the phone let alone go make the repair, so Chris and I gathered a few tools and headed for London. As I suspected it was the sink basket that had the problem (the threaded area was actually broken totally off the basket) so we went to Rona on next block and picked up a replacement. Back at the unit, it took very little time for Chris to get the old basket off and I helped him install the new one. I also took advantage of being there to give out notices of rent increase which will be effective on July 1st. Luckily all tenants were home to receive their paperwork and sign off on new smoke detectors and CO2 detectors which we also installed in all units. After all this is was well past dinner time so we stopped for take out at Manchuria Gardens and brought home a Chinese feast which we enjoyed onight and will finish off for lunch tommorrow.


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