Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: Family Day 2009

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Family Day 2009

We decided to take advantage of the nicer weather today and get outside for part of this long weekend celebrating "Family Day". The top picture of Dusty was actually taken a few weeks ago but we love the curly tongue look she has there. Next is picture of various ducks, Eiders, Mallards and likely others, floating in lake Erie near Morpeth. We spent some time watching a pair of Golden eagles trying to catch a seagull midair but they were too far out over the lake for a good picture. The eagles seemed to be herding the gull away from shore and took turns chasing the poor bird. We are pretty sure the eagles would have eventually enjoyed lunch by overtaking the smaller bird by tiring it out. It was too bad they had to go so far out that we lost sight of them even with binoculars. Finally we made it to Rondeau Park where we had planned to hike the southern trail in search of golden or bald eagles. The shots of Chris illustrate our typical "family" hike. You can see that Dusty is at the end of her long lead and Chris is very far ahead of that....both act like typical teens who want nothing to do with us old folks tagging along behind them. Final shot is Chris patiently waiting beside the car while texting a friend using his cell phone. His first question after we got into the car "How long will it take to get home?" He was anxious to call latest girlfriend. :-)


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