Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: Family Day outing #2

Monday, February 16, 2009

Family Day outing #2

At the top of the hydro post, if you click to enlarge, you can see a red tailed hawk just taking off in flight. The first picture is also a Red Tailed hawk in flight and you can enlarge for a better view.

These pictures were taken today. Deb and I drove Chris to meet his girlfriend for a date to watch the Mall Cop movie. After she arrived and they headed into theatre, we went to Springwater conservation area with hopes of walking the beautiful trails there. We were disappointed to find the trails still very icy and snow covered so after a short attempt we headed into Alymer in search of clearer pathways. We strolled in a park along the river there and got these shots of hawks close by there. Chris was thrilled to have been left without parental eyes watching him, watching the movie. We were happy to get fresh air and birdwatching in. I guess it was another happy family day. LOL


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