Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: Chris' fireman adventures

Monday, February 09, 2009

Chris' fireman adventures

Here are a few pictures Chris had taken of himself and one of the trucks during his recent training session as a West Lorne Jr. firefighter. It seems like a great program. The adult leaders, who are volunteer firemen, train the youth in gear handling and safety issues that real firefighters need to know on the job. This program was set up with the purpose of giving these kids some training and at same time sparking their interest in serving the community so that they might decide to join our volunteer department when they reach the age of 18. Of course in typical Chris fashion, he has now gone overboard on idea and has decided that he should give up plans of military life and instead become a volunteer fireman....this despite the many times we have tried to explain the difference between "career" and "volunteer" service. We just hope he figures that all out before he finishes high school!


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