Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: Dusty update

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Dusty update

Our little dog is feeling better although she still has some improving to do . She is now able to jump on and off couch and bench outside as well as doing the few steps in and out of house. She did take a couple of longer walks with us today, but with the change in food(all those missing teeth require soft food until her mouth heals) and the lack of exercise lately she just isn't her regular self , if you catch my meaning. At least she has gotten used to the aches in her legs from removal of dewclaws and after two days of licking off the nasty tasting cream designed to make her not lick there....she has learned that it really isn't a good idea to even try to sneak in licks when we aren't looking. LOL. I saw her awaken from sleep last night and lift her head to stare at her legs then she flung her head backward and went back to sleep with a sigh. I take that to be an indication that they hurt but she has learned there isn't anything she can do about it for now. Her stitches should come out next Friday.
I forgot to mention that it took us about 4 hours to cut the little green bandages off of the freaky dog and she even tried many times to snap at me while we worked on it slowly cutting away the wraps with very tiny scissors and didn't hurt her at all. Good thing she has a sore mouth or she just might have really bitten me. This is very uncharacteristic behaviour for her...the vet is the ONLY person who gets the snapping reaction so we normally use a muzzle there. unfortunately we don't have one at home.


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