Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: Hummingbirds getting ready to leave us

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Hummingbirds getting ready to leave us

We have had a massive feeding frenzy in our neighbourhood this past week. We are pretty sure it means our little hummingbirds are getting ready for their big flight south. Meanwhile it is fun to watch them fight for control of the feeders. They often sit on the wires leading into our house or hide in Bill and Diane's front tree(they have window feeders too). When another hummingbird approaches the attack is on. Deb has heard them fighting before daybreak and it keeps up most days until dusk. Deb stood outside to get these pictures without the dirt on the window in her way. :-) First pic is little boy hovering above the feeder and the second is another boy straining his neck high enough to watch Deb over top of the other feeder. They seem to know when the glass is between them and us because from inside they are not bothered if we stand quietly beside the window they will still come and feed yet in this outside shot she was about 10 feet from him and made him nervous.


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