Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: Bad day for Dusty

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Bad day for Dusty

As you can see by these pictures, little Dusty isn't feeling the greatest today. She spent yesterday in surgery having her dew claws removed and her teeth cleaned, checked out and many extracted. The vet says she now has a grand total of 14 missing or possibly never grown, teeth. Of that we were only aware of one which fell out a few years ago following some very rough chewing and play with her toys. She had to have one major canine tooth pulled along with some very small teeth, so today she is hurting big time. The vet says she will be acting 5 years younger, in a few weeks when she recovers from this tooth infection and removal. We haven't tried to be bad caregivers to her but no vet has ever been able to get inside her mouth for a look before and even we have trouble getting her to let us check inside there. Normally we get a quick peek during play and that's it. Yorkies are well known for having tooth decay problems due to plaque build up below gum lines. Little freaky one had to be knocked out for this exam and we knew she has been having mouth troubles of some kind off and on for some time now so made the decision to send her for surgery even though the doctor thought it should be just an exam first. The dew claw removal was sort of an afterthought on my part because it should have been done when she went for last surgery(spay at age 1) but she was too dehydrated and the doctor didn't want her to lose more blood then. This seemed to me like a convenient time to get rid of those curly monster claws which cause her so much trouble. Seeing her poor little legs wrapped and her not being able to stand much makes me wonder if I did a bad thing???? We can take off the green bandages tonight so maybe things will look better then.



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